Mission & Goals 2023 - 2024

Help create a better tomorrow by enriching the Cleveland Automation Community through the presentation of automation technology.

Advance technical competence by connecting the automation community to achieve operational excellence.
The Cleveland Section of ISA, the International Society of Automation, shall enhance the awareness, value, and application of technology; provide the means to connect and advance the competence and careers of practitioners and students in the Northeastern Ohio area through section events, education, and training; and maintain the viability of the Section, and work to enhance the sustainability of ISA International.

Goal 1: Education
Meet the educational needs of the technical community.
Goal 2: Image
Support Maintain and improve the relevance, competence, and qualifications of instrumentation, control and automation practitioners and students.
Goal 3: Networking
Support and provide value by enhancing the image of ISA in the Northeastern Ohio area.
Goal 4: Survival
Ensure that the Section remains viable.

Goal 1 Maintain and improve the relevance, competence, and qualifications of instrumentation, control and automation practitioners and students.
1) Provide the membership with a minimum of six state-of-the-art technical meetings and the balance to be general interest meetings from September 1 to June 30.
Metric: Number of technical meetings (at least six).
2) Promote and advance student and early and mid-career practitioners involvement in ISA and the ISA Cleveland Section.
Metric: Number of student and early and mid-career practitioners participating in Section Meetings.

Goal 2 Support and enhance the image of ISA and ISA Cleveland Section in the Northeastern Ohio area
Objectives -
1) Enhance the awareness of ISA and ISA Cleveland Section among other professional, technical, and educational organizations by attending unique events sponsored by at least two other professional and or technical societies.
Metric: Number of events attended (at least two).
2) Involve the Section in ISA International Activities.
Metric: Number of ISA International Activities of which the Section is a participant.

Goal 3 Assess and support the business, professional, and technical needs of the Section's members.
Objectives -
1) Provide relevant topics at monthly section meetings.
Metric: Average attendance at Section meetings (average at least 25 attendees
2) Obtain breadth of Section meeting attendance.
Metric: Attendance of different (unique) members/non-members at Section meetings (at least 65 individuals over the course of the year).
3) Increase the usefulness of the ISA Cleveland Section Teleconferencing and Social Media.
Metric: Section Website; Section Microsite on Society website and ISA Connect; and social media updated prior to all events and broadcast monthly events live via teleconferencing media.
4) Familiarize members with benefits and services of ISA.
Metric: Promoted or presented on ISA services and benefits at Section events (at least two).

Goal 4 Ensure that the Section remains viable.
Objectives -
1) Maintain and track proposed budget at board meetings for the Fiscal Year.
Metric: Actual financial performance vs. budget (within 5% of approved budget).
2) Support the establishment or maintaining an ISA Cleveland Student Section.
Metric: Planned for and advanced the establishment of the Student Section during the year.
3) Implement Section Milestone Checklist review at each Section Board Meeting.
Metric: Milestone action items review and update completed and recorded in Minutes.
4) Obtain new members during section fiscal year.
Metric: Number of new members recruited.
5) Retain Cleveland Section membership.
Metric: Restored members in active grace back to full membership (percentage of members going into active grace that return to full membership). Established and worked on a program for membership retention.
6) Obtain new ISA Cleveland Section Board Members.
Metric: Number of new ISA Cleveland Board Members recruited (at least one).
7) Identify, mentor, and elect new section officers to serve.
Metric: Number of potential new candidates.


Thank you for your patience, understanding, and ongoing support of the Cleveland Section.