Near Infrared Analysis


Manufactured by NIR Online GmbH (a German company) by Patrice Mauviel (Procon Technologies) and David Nunez (Intelliworks HT rep) • NIR is in the 700 to 2500 nm wavelength light range • Only can be used for organic materials -- typically used for quality control ○ Pharm ○ Mills ○ Breweries ○ Animal feed ○ Agriculture (wheat/flour) ○ Meat processing ○ Chemicals / polymers ○ Oil ○ Mining ○ Dairy (detect water, fat, protein content incheese) • Color wheel analysis takes 60-80ms per sample • Monochromatic analysis takes 20-30ms • Diode array (used by NIR Online) takes 2ms per sample so it can be done in real time for process control. • Camera CCD imaging can see down to 1 micron • 95% of business is now done off-line in labs (send a sample off to a lab) • NIR Online Gmbh device costs $65K to $90K • Lens is saphire and typically presses directly against material sliding by it

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