1 pdh hour will be awarded for this technical meeting

At this point in time, due to COVID 19, the ISA Cleveland Section is not having in-person face-to-face program meetings.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020, 6:30 TO 8:00 PM

Electrical Power Factor

What is it?   How can we control it?   Why should we be concerned about it?


About the Topic:

This presentation covers the concept of The Electrical Power Factor.   For an alternating current electrical circuit (like what we have throughout our homes, businesses, and factories) power factor is the ratio of the real [actual] power absorbed by the load [stove, light bulb, milling machine] to the apparent power flowing in the circuit [what we pay for]  The presentation develops the definition of power factor and how it can be monitored by commercial instrumentation.  It also explains why this parameter should be controlled, and discusses methods for how to do it. Finally it covers potential consequences of not controlling it properly from an energy efficiency and safety standpoint.


This is a special program that will simultaneously be viewed by the Cleveland Section of ISA; and both the Augusta, Georgia Section and the Central Savannah River Section of the American Society of Electrical Safety Professionals.


Speaker Bio:

Donald Brown

Don Brown, PE, is a lifelong resident of northeastern Ohio, and graduated from Fenn College of Engineering of the Cleveland State University BEE class of 85. Don is also a registered engineer (PE) in the state of Ohio. He has worked at Cleveland Machine Controls, and United States Steel Lorain Works prior to working at the NASA Glenn Research Center for the past 32 years in the Facilities Division. He is currently the Electrical Process System Manager responsible for the Large Electrical Motors, and associated motor control systems, and emergency and backup power supply systems including UPS systems and Generators. He is also responsible for managing the Variable Frequency Power system located in the Glenn Research Center Engine Research Building. As a system manager Mr. Brown spearheaded numerous projects to implement solid state excitation systems, automate the variable frequency power system, monitor and control the Power demand via automatic power factor controls to aid with overall Glenn Research Power demands while supporting the research customers.


Mr. Brown has also been very active in the International Society of Automation and Control by serving as the local Cleveland Section education chairman, secretary, president, and national delegate. He has presented several papers on topics including "Solid State Excitation Control for Synchronous Motors", "Using Synchronous Condensers for Automatic Power Factor Control", and "Online Condition Monitoring of Electrical Motors".




Program:  6:30 PM to 8:00 PM


Download the application for the meeting

Location: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams.  Select Download Microsoft Teams link here or in the "body" of the Newsletter.

Cost: No Cost for the Microsoft Teams download or usa of the software.


Your reservation MUST have your e-mail address in order for you to receive the link to join the Microsoft Teams meeting.  This link will be sent to you.  Your reservation must be in no later than COB Monday Dec. 7, 2020.

@ Cleveland International Society of Automation: 2020


Debashis Sadukhan, NASA Glenn

President Elect

Doug Rothenberg,  D-Roth, Inc.


Ryan Kassinger, First Energy Corp.


Joe Zullo, Chirico Scientific


Joe Kaulfersch, Retired from Fox & Dole